Andy Farrer Photography

Please complete the form to place your order.

Work is invoiced upon completion. While there is no online ordering system, invoices can be paid by card or bank transfer.

Current Turnaround Time

2-3 business days


Contact Details (required)

Print Specifications

To avoid delays, please provide the following information:

Narrow Bars


Deep Bars

File Upload Options

I have switched to Smash for file transfers instead of WeTransfer due to recent price increases. Please use this link:

NB: To avoid delays, please use Smash, as WeTransfer files expire after just 3 days.

Canvas Ordering FAQ's

How do I prepare my file for a canvas print? +

Please provide just the main image, or "face," of your canvas. I will take care of preparing the edges and wrap necessary for stretching the canvas onto the frame. This helps avoid any costly mistakes and ensures the best quality for your finished piece.

There's no need to soft-proof your file for canvas, as I will handle that for you. With over ten years of experience preparing files for the canvas I stock, I also account for the laminate I use to seal and protect your print.

Please send me a 300dpi tiff in Adobe RGB.

What sizes can be printed to canvas? +

You will see in the pricing table that the options change in two inch increments. I use pre-cut stretcher bars which are available in these increments.

  • Narrow bars: Available up to 34x34”
  • Deep bars: Maximum short edge is 36” and maximum long edge is 54”
How much is delivery? +

Up to 24x36" canvas prints can be shipped to UK mainland for £15.00. Due to rising shipping and packaging costs, larger canvasses need to be quoted for or collected in person.

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